



推友当中有不少人赞同我的看法。但李天天自己出面否定了,直承那就是她本人写的推文。也有推友认为她是在这三个月内受伤过重,才有此反应,对此表示理解。还有个别推友认为她是在尊严受严重伤害后,以一种前所未有的勇敢姿态在控诉这个政权的罪恶。直到我看完丁咚将李天天的微博辑录,以“上海警察为何对性事感兴趣?”发表于博客中国上( http://www.blogchina.com/201105291144549.html,英译文China: Detained Rights Lawyer Interrogated About Sex Life http://globalvoicesonline.org/2011/05/30/china-detained-rights-lawyer-interrogated-about-sex-life/ ),我才敢相信这可能是李天天本尊在发推文。







Dignity of Female Political Prisoners in China

Written by He Qinglian on June 7, 2011
Translated by kriz cpec (@krizcpec)
Proofread by Michelle Adams (@Michelle9647) and edited by Michelle Buchanan (@Michisle)

Note: This article is written not only for female political prisoners, but also for all political prisoners, and every incarcerated compatriot in China.

For years I have not dared to speak to this subject despite my deep concern for the dignity of political prisoners. Because this, for the political prisoners, especially the female political prisoners, is a giant wound that bleeds forever, It has been something I really could not bear to face. But I am writing about it now because of something I witnessed on twitter.

The first tweet I saw after some days of being away from twitter was a sex-related one from Li Tiantian, a female lawyer in Shanghai who was made to disappear for more than three months during the “Jasmine revolution” in China. Shocked, I went through all of her tweets since the day of her release. Those tweets, unrestrained and wild, were completely different from how she used to speak and act before her disappearance. It made me think of my twitter friends who had written me to say that they were forced to surrender their twitter accounts, and that tweets from their account were not their own writings. So I assumed that Li Tiantian’s account was stolen from her, that those tweets were posted by the State Security officers with the intention of destroying her reputation. I made this thought public in a tweet.

Many twitter friends agreed with me. But Li Tiantian herself rejected that view and admitted directly that those tweets were her own writings.

There were some who thought she, understandably,was writing this way because she had been so badly hurt, while others figured that, after serious damage had been done to her dignity, she was accusing the sins of this regime with unprecedented bravery. It was until after I read Ding Dong’s compilation of Li Tiantian’s Weibo updates in “Why are Shanghai police interested in sex” – a blog post published on BlogChina, here, its English translation here – that I dared to believe those tweets were really by Li Tiantian herself.

Li Tiantian was detained due to the over-defensive approach the authorities employed against the “Jasmine revolution”. What she underwent was her dignity being shredded into pieces. From her experience we catch a glimpse of the abnormality of China’s judicial apparatus.

It causes me to reflect on the numerous brave and wise Chinese women, Lin Zhao, Zhang Zhixin, Li Jiulian, Zhong Haiyuan, and those women who were imprisoned because of April 5th Tiananmen incident, as mentioned in the book Blood Sacrifice, Dark River. The abuses they underwent were appalling. Zhang Zhixin was repeatedly raped by wardens and had gone insane, she ate mantou with menstruation.

There were forms of torture designed specifically to keep these political prisoners from speaking. Before execution, they stuffed Lin Zhao’s mouth with a rubber stopper. Zhang Zhixin’s throat was cut. It is said that these was done out of fear that they would shout “reactionary slogans”.

Zhung Haiyuan’s kidneys were taken from her, alive, before her execution, because a son of a high-ranking party cadre was waiting for kidney transplant.

Prior to her death, Li Jiulian was subjected to various forms of torture, one of which was having her jaw pierced shut with a bamboo stick. In the reportage Blood Sacrifice to the Red Soil there was a detailed record of the death of this respectable and pitiful woman. The system, and those living on it, did everything they could to inflict insults upon her. They tied her up, forced her to kneel. They fettered her, made her stand in public with a “Five Black Categories” banner on her; they anesthetized her in the head and stuffed bamboo tube into her mouth so that she could not shout. After public trial and an insulting parade through the streets, she was brought to the execution site. In her last moments before execution, the only way she could preserve her dignity was by refusing to be on her knees, yet the executioner shot at her leg. The abuses upon her after her death are something I would rather not write about,those details make me feel ashamed to be born and had lived in such a country.

There is a tradition of torture in Chinese history, many two-legged animals have an extra sense of joy when tormenting female prisoners. After being tainted with the communist authoritarian regime, this land is becoming ever more in need of humanity. The state apparatus, and the police force as well as the wardens who rely on it, inflict physical or mental abuse on the incarcerated. This has the singular intention of making plebeians realize that the authoritarian apparatus can willfully take away everything related to personal dignity, that those who find themselves crushed under that strong and powerful apparatus, their character and their body, will become dust.

If you compare the stories of martyrs who fearlessly faced their death in Chinese Communist Party’s revolution education, it appears that the way the CCP government treats it’s political prisoners, female political prisoners in particular, is probably unprecedented. Based on CCP’s own descriptions, prisons of the nationalist government, which were criticized as being very dark, were much more civil than prisons of CCP in the ways they treated political prisoners. For example, Jiang Xueqin could die a graceful death even at Zhazi Dong, which was known as the hell on earth. Before execution, she put on makeup, dressed in a clean indanthrene-blue RS qipao, a red sweater, and a snow white scarf. While walking toward the execution site, her head held high and with dignity, she shouted loud slogans like “long live the Communist Party” “down with the KMT”. Weddings at execution sites were even more poetic, to the extent that there were even imitations of them by students at Tiananmen Square on June 4th 1989. If these stories are not trustworthy because CCP made them up for propaganda and education purposes, we can site the examples of Ji Hongchang and Qu Qiubai. Before his execution, Ji Hongchang demanded out loud, “I die for fighting the Japanese, and for revolution. I will not be shot kneeling, and I will not fall after I die, get me a chair!” He also demanded the executioner to shoot in front of him, saying that a CCP member should die honorably, and must not be shot in the back. “I want to see for myself how Chiang Kaishek’s bullet takes my life!” In the end, he shouted slogans and died. “Bandit chieftain” Qu Qiubai could also write his dying note with grace and ease, he could groom himself, change clothes, sitting cross-legged and chanting Qijue poems before his death. When had the Nationalist government tied them up, put death sentence tokens on them, stuffed things in their mouths, cut their throats, or recklessly trampled upon the dignity of these political prisoners?

The world has entered 21st century, various oppositions have become part and parcel of the social life of democracies. Even in recently toppled dictatorships of Middle East and North Africa, the political opposition has long been able to voice their views in public. For instance, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisia and Hosni Mubarak of Egypt have both allowed political oppositions to have seats in the parliaments. It is only in China — leads by the self-proclaimed “the greatest, the most glorious and the most correct” CCP — that being a political oppositionist remains a dangerous matter, in that such people, once came under the authorities’ watchful eyes, would not only lose all their social status and job opportunities; their dignity would also be severely trampled upon. Let’s not mention Gao Zhisheng, a lawyer who has been subjected to various forms of destruction and insults because he did not observe the “forbidden rule” that no one shall speak for Falungong; let’s just take Li Tiantian for example, a woman who was caught by the authorities merely because of her out-of-line comments. The abuses she has gone through tells just how far and away CCP is from the word “civilization”.

Beijing has been promoting that China is rising. But whether or not a country is really rising is not judged by the sum of its GDP, nor is it judged by the number of rich and successful people that country has (as promoted in the state propaganda videos); it is judged by this–whether or not the people in this country can stand tall and live with dignity. All dissidents in China, in fact, commit but one “crime”: they insist on standing and living when the authority in Beijing forces all its subjects to knee for survival.

A regime that requires its subjects to kneel for survival will never be capable of leading the country toward prosperity, nor can it earn respect from the world.


  1. 不许放气不许瞎说 说道:




    [转] 乌有之乡:http://www.wyzxsx.com/Article/Class14/200804/36786.html


















    • heqinglian 说道:


    • heqinglian 说道:


        从1979年6月5日发表《一份血写的报告》开始,到9月12日登载《论张志新这个典型的时代意义》结束,3个多月中,共刊登有关张志新烈士事迹的长 篇通讯、怀念文字、理论文章、编者按语、新旧诗词、照片、绘画、歌曲、题词以及各种报道86篇(幅),约15块整版,14万字。……在宣传报道中,对张志 新受到骇人听闻的残酷迫害的情节,如临刑前割断她的喉管,是照实揭露呢?还是含糊其词呢?在《一份血写的报告》中,关于这一情节是这样写的:“第二天临刑 前,张志新被秘密带到监狱管理人员的一个办公室。接着来了几个人,把她按倒在地,惨无人道地剥夺了她用语言表达真理的权利。”
        1979年5月中旬,陈禹山得知张志新冤案平反,立即向记者部主任卢云汇报,经批准后,连夜乘火车前往沈阳采访。陈在初阅了张志新的基本材料后,吃不 下饭,睡不着觉,立即采访张志新的丈夫曾真和女儿曾林林,然后又到张蹲过的监狱,现场勘察张住过的“小号”(只能一个人坐、不能躺睡的特小牢笼)和被割断 喉管的监狱刑讯室。在4天夜以继日地采访后,当晚陈流着热泪执笔写下了万字长篇通讯《一份血写的报告》,稿子写好,请孙钧拿去省委送审(当时任仲夷任省委 书记,全力支持张志新冤案平反),通过后,第5天即坐火车赶回北京。考虑到今后辽宁站同志工作方便,陈禹山最后在稿件上把孙、苗二人名字署在了自己前面。 文章发表后,孙、苗二人见署了自己名字在前,非常感动。
        年近60岁的陈禹山,黑瘦而精悍,虽两鬓斑白,但眼镜后面眼神深沉。凝神沉默许久,陈终于答应了我的请求。近20年来,不知有多少人恳求他披露秘密, 但他都一一坚决拒绝了。而今,在纪念“真理标准讨论20周年”之日,在改革开放已进入到建立与社会主义市场经济相适应的政治体制的改革攻坚时刻,他觉得, 到了全部披露张志新冤案秘密的时候了。
        当年陈禹山在采访时发现,对行刑犯人割喉管这个超越法西斯的“创举”,是辽宁公安局的一个法医根据当时辽宁当权人物的意旨而提出的。有许多犯人行刑前 不是大声呼冤,就是要学革命烈士呼口号,有的“反革命犯”还高呼“毛主席万岁”,这被认为影响极坏,割喉管被设想出来。其时主持辽宁党政军全面工作的毛远 新(毛泽东侄子)等当权人物同意了这一“捍卫毛泽东思想”的创造性的“新生事物”。
        第一个“享受”割喉管“待遇”的,是沈阳皇姑区克俭小学青年教师贾承厚,因为曾给校长提过意见,被校长串通学生诬告他强奸女学生,判处死刑。贾始终不 服,大呼有冤,于是被割断喉管后再枪决,死时只有20来岁。死后其家属在狱中拿回他的遗物,发现被子中缝有一张伸冤状,详细叙述了冤案经过与伸冤理由, “三中全会”后终于昭雪平反。
        张志新开始和其他犯人合关在可以有地铺睡觉的普通牢房里,后来因为坚决不认罪,坚持认为不仅林彪、“四人帮”有罪,而且“毛主席也犯了左的错误”,于 是在毛远新主持的辽宁省革委常委会上,由无期徒刑改为死刑。毛远新说:判了无期徒刑还这样嚣张,杀!于是张志新被改押在只能一人坐的“小号”里。经过多日 的“小号”折磨,张终被逼疯:用窝窝头沾着月经血吃,在床上大小便。狱警上报此情,上面的回答是:装疯卖傻!
        时隔20年,陈回忆说,当时辽宁一些人传言张志新“生活作风”有问题,其实是有所依据的。陈在调看张志新案卷时见到了张本人自白:她确实同沈阳一位文 艺界人士有婚外恋。整个案卷中,所有指控张“反革命言论罪”的,她没有一处承认,她说:强迫自己把真理说成错误是不行的,让我投降办不到,人活着,就要光 明正大,理直气壮,不能奴颜卑膝、低三下四,我不想奴役别人,也不许别人奴役自己。但她惟独坦率承认了自己有“婚外恋”,并说是在重看焦裕禄故事之后,同 焦裕禄相比,她这方面有损一个共产党员的光辉形象。对这一道德过失,她愿坦荡认错。
        陈说,当时看到这一案卷时,已经采访过张的丈夫曾真了,了解到曾真当年体弱多病,可以想见,在夫妻性生活方面,身体健康的张可能处在一定程度的性饥渴 状态,加上张天性喜爱文艺,与情趣相投的艺术家产生婚外恋,是可以理解的。与张深刻的思想、卓绝的勇气相比,此点人性局限,仍是瑕不掩瑜,应该说无损于张 志新作为一个真理斗士的高风亮节,在当时报道中回避这一点,毕竟还有点受“四人帮”英雄人物必须高大全的影响。其实,任何伟人,任何英雄,总会有一些弱点 与不足,今天把这个隐密公之于世,只会使张志新更可亲可信可敬,说明她是一个真正的人,而不是神。
        《一份血写的报告》带回北京后,陈禹山先交给部主任卢云审,而后由副总编殷参和总编杨西光审读,但考虑到所披露的是发生在新中国的极其残忍的法西斯罪 行,又有“好像是揭露无产阶级专政、揭露党的领导、太血淋淋、影响不好”等反对意见,稿子最终送交胡耀邦审阅。据杨西光传达,胡耀邦一字未改,准予发表, 但是说了一句话:把行刑前割喉管的那句话去掉。
        正是这一指示,《一份血写的报告》见报时,抹去了直接表述割喉管的文字。但是文章发表后,许多读者打电话追问:“把她按倒在地,惨无人道地剥夺了她用 语言表达真理的权利”到底是什么意思。陈禹山和编辑部干事吴力田无法搪塞,只好如实告诉读者,是指割断了喉管。一位读者听后,在电话里哽噎说:“鲁迅先生 的《纪念刘和珍君》一文在谈到被害的刘和珍君的一位战友时写道,这不但是杀害,简直是虐杀,因为身体上还有棍棒伤痕。当年有棍棒的伤痕而被枪杀的叫虐杀, 而今我们割断气管再去处决,这叫什么杀?假如鲁迅活着,他会含蓄掉吗?他会怎么写?”  
        一声声义正辞严的追问,终于使陈禹山在以后的文章里明确说明了几个大汉,把张志新按倒在地,在颈背垫上一块砖头,不麻醉不消毒,就用普通刀子割断喉管 的细节,由此引起了读者怒不可遏的“娘杀孩子”讨论,引出了“谁之罪”的全民“天问”:割喉管人是无罪的,押打张志新的人是无罪的,公安局、法院、省委宣 传部那些揭发张志新的人都是无罪的……因为在当时那种专政政治下,谁都是在执行上级指示、“中央精神”,执行“毛主席革命路线”……那么到底谁有罪呢?张 案报道讨论在3个月后奉命停止,据信与此有关。

    • 青青河边草 说道:


    • 青青河边草 说道:




  2. Andy 说道:


  3. aaaaaa 说道:


  4. paul 说道:


  5. unrestrained anger 说道:

    Dear heqinglian :

    My eyes was filled with tear , my body was in unrestrained anger while I reading this writing

    Is there any way your writing can be published on the American main stream media in English ? That will help Chinese people tremendously. I hope VOA and American Government can do something on this.

    We are proud that we have you !

  6. cunfu 说道:


  7. aki 说道:


  8. pupil 说道:




  9. pupil 说道:



  10. AAA 说道:

    我觉得文章写的内容基本上都是网上抄来抄去的内容,基本上没有当事者或者接近人士的佐证。比如: 张志新临刑前被割断喉管,据说就是怕她们呼喊“反动口号”,…. 李九莲生前在牢狱中受过多种酷刑,其中一项是用竹签穿过她的下颚,据说这样做是为了让李九莲闭嘴.文章都是用了“据说”。 请问这样的例子有没有确凿事实根据来源呢? 没有确凿事实来源的东西能得出什么结论? 文章通篇都是缺乏清晰的客观事实证据。此外文章例举的事情都是好几十年前的事情了,其中林昭在1980年被上海市高级人民法院撤销判决宣告无罪。 文章作者也不提。。。

    • chinese 说道:

      AAA, 赖皮狗一条.哈哈哈

    • AAA's mother 说道:


    • FK WU MAO 说道:


    • 张伟 说道:


    • 存善 说道:


  11. 中共牌坊 说道:

    和中国共产党讲法律 谈道理 无异于服毒自杀 中国共产党只恐惧一种交流方式 !boom!

  12. 小百姓 说道:


  13. limingdao 说道:


  14. 东北反共预备队 说道:


  15. 剑平 说道:

    “林昭在1980年被上海市高级人民法院撤销判决宣告无罪”–看来 AAA 知道林昭一案。

  16. AAA是婊子 说道:

    AAA 是婊子,你怎么整天在美国知音上胡乱放屁,你的主子不是造了墙把你当狗一样圈起来了吗?你怎么还不幸福地呆在那里,出来干什么。你出来后还不安分,还要污染蓝天白云,欠揍啊你!

  17. 东北反共预备队 说道:


  18. 中共牌坊 说道:

    草泥马的中共猪猡 在中国大陆 除了中共当局政府外 最坏的就是婊子养的公安国保 开赌场 收保护费 抓百姓 杀民众 甚至连嫖妓都不给钱

  19. 大陆人 说道:


  20. pupil 说道:



    本人也是人到中年才学英语,虽然障碍重重,但经过努力也觉得越来越自信自己的英语表达,还乐趣融融。觉得不是不可逾越的东西,加上共产党的激励使过程越来越顺利。我想借用一句英文的谚语:“There’s will, there’s way”来共勉。

  21. tianwangzhi 说道:


  22. 无维 说道:


  23. 李天天 说道:


  24. unrestrained anger 说道:

    Dear Qinglian:

    Glad to see that your writing: 女政治犯的尊严 has been translated into English. Hope American news media will pay attention to it. Also could we ask kriz cpec translate the flowing one 张志新冤案还有秘密 into English too ?

    Thanks for kriz cpec .

  25. Savion 说道:

    I’m not eiasly impressed. . . but that’s impressing me! :)

  26. meladerm 说道:

    That is exactly what i thought. Couldn’t agree more.

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