

先说中国的移民。近两年以来,关于中国人移民的话题越来越多。有严肃的调查,如汇丰银行调查报告(2010年)称,月收入在1.2万元以上或流动资产在50万元以上的中国内地富裕人群中,60%都计划在未来十年移民;中国银行和财富研究公司胡润百富(hurun report)于今年10月下旬公布的调查报告称,资产1000万以上欲移民者达一半以上;也有真假无法查证的,比如微博上流传移民咨询公司的广告词是“如果你有1000万,不移民对不起你全家人”。据坊间流传,讨论移民已经成了熟人聚会的互相问候的话:“你准备移民了吗?”据说一些朋友或要好的同事相约一道移民,有可能在同一区域或者相邻区域买房,好互相照应……




据俄罗斯科学院世界经济和国际关系研究所最新统计称,最近3年以来已有120万俄罗斯人移民海外。全俄公众舆论调查中心最新民调结果显示,有22%的俄罗斯公民想离开俄罗斯到外国定居——1991年苏联刚解体时,“想到海外定居”的俄罗斯居民只占 全国人口的5%。这一轮“移民潮” 还具有以下特点:打算移民海外的俄罗斯人身份“高端化”、“精英化”,大多是受过高等教育且具有专业特长的人才,以及身价不菲的中产阶级,他们带走的正是俄罗斯国家发展所急需的高科技和资金。









Emigration: the move to flee from the fatalistic spell of Socialism


Written By He Qinglian on November 8, 2011
Translated By kRiZcPEc


While Russia has in formality completed a round of “democratization”, China still insists to stick with what the CCP refers to as the “Socialist path”. There is one thing these two countries have in common in the last two years: their citizens would try everything possible means to emigrate if they meet the necessary financial requirements.

Let’s first talk about the Chinese emigrants. In the past two years, topics relating to the Chinese emigrants are on the increase. There were serious studies of these topics, such as the HSBC’s study in 2010 which stated that: of the wealthy group in mainland China who make more than 12,000 RMB each month or have above 500 thousand in liquidity, 60% are planning to emigrate within the next decade; and the survey jointly conducted by the Bank of China and Hurun Report which findings were published in late October revealed that more than half of those who have ten million or more in assets intend to emigrate.

There was also information that was hard to verify, like the alleged advertisement of an emigration company that has been circulating on Weibo: “If you own ten million and do not emigrate, you fail your entire family.”

As said, emigration has become the greeting words when friends gather together: “Are you planning to emigrate?” It is also said that friends or co-workers with good relationship would plan to emigrate together, and if possible, buy flats in the same or adjacent districts in the new country so that they could take care of each other…

And there was a kuso advertisement drawing that one cannot laugh at: in the lower right there was a picture of Jet Li smiling, and the words above the picture was: “Those who have power and influence emigrate, those who lack both resort to smuggling. Is this a country or a prison? Would a country be like this? No, it surely is a prison. Otherwise, how come people would want to flee from here whether they have money or not? Ever heard of American illegal immigrants?”

Regarding the cause of this wave of emigration, China’s media pretend to be calm in their analysis. They said the majority of those who emigrate were for the sake of their child’s education and growth. While these people personally obtained foreign nationalities, their assets remain in China because they are accustomed to the business environment in China, and they have social connection here, something that they cannot part from.

But, many revealed privately that they are increasingly worried about the social problems of China: the one-child policy, food safety, pollution, corruption, poor education quality and the weak legal system. Recently, Li Daokui, a member of the China central bank’s monetary policy committee, told the truth during an interview. He thought the social environment for the wealth generators need to be improved, so as to keep their hearts in the country.

And now let’s look at why elites of Russia, the country that had served as the mentor of the Chinese Communist Revolution and completed one step ahead of China in political democratization, want to emigrate.

According to the latest statistics from the Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences, in the past three years 1.2 million Russians moved overseas. The latest poll by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VtsIOM) showed that 22% of Russian citizens want to leave Russia and settle overseas. Back in 1991 when the U.S.S.R. just disintegrated, there was only 5% of the country’s population who wanted to settle overseas.

This wave of emigration has in addition the following characteristics: the Russians planning to emigrate have become “high-endified” and “eliticized” in terms of social status; most of them had received higher education and are talents with professional specialties; they are members of the middle class with high net worth. What these people take away from Russia are high-technologies and funds that the country desperately needs for development.

Many of the reasons for the Russians to emigrate are similar to that of the Chinese, such as for their children and for their study. And since the Russians enjoy what the Chinese do not have: freedom of speech, they give reasons that the Chinese are unwilling to state explicitly—

The entrepreneurs are worried about insecurity. It takes massive money and energy to found a company in Russia, yet there is no protection for property. There are in London many Russian business persons like this: when they themselves or their political benefactors are not welcome by the government, they would have to instantly board a British Airway flight to come to Britain.

The channels for people to move up the social ladder are blocked. The middle class in general think that, the mature state capitalism of Russia cuts off the ways the young people who received good education to move upward.

Poor quality of life. Whether it is the elite or the middle class, both think that the Russian education system is on the brink of collapse. From enrollment quota to university certificate, all can purchased with money. They think they have the obligation to provide with their children the choice of living and working overseas.

There are only two differences in the reasons the Chinese and Russians who intend to emigrate. The Russians raised a significant political factor: they hate Vladimir Putin’s dictatorship and the public opinion control by the government. Some Russians who had received good education think that the government-controlled TV news, movies, and even popular music are making them out of touch with the international community. These government-controlled TV news never criticize Vladimir Putin or Dmitry Medvedev, day after day they repeat the message that Western countries are enemies of Russia.

The elite and the middle class do not see the possibility of Russia being liberated from the new dictatorship of Vladimir Putin in the short run.

The criticism of the political system and media control were not mentioned in the emigration-related poll in China. One cannot tell whether this was the result of the poll conductors deliberately sidestepping the issues, or the emigrants having no hatred of the autocratic system. But the Chinese did mention the dreadful environmental pollution in China, a problem that the Russians have no apprehension about. That’s to say, the reasons for the Chinese people to emigrate are mainly about aspects of life, and the Russians in comparison have a stronger sense of rights awareness.

This is similar to the impetuses that drove both countries to reform respectively in earlier years: the Russians needed freedom of speech and the Chinese wanted to be well-fed. The former sought to satisfy the social function of the mouth; the latter, its physiological function.

Among the people surveyed, those who intend to leave made up 62.5% of the Russian respondents and nearly 60% of the Chinese counterparts.

As a Chinese intellectual that had lived under dictatorship, I fully understand the emigration move the Chinese and the Russians have taken to flee from the fatalistic spell of Socialism. However, the countries around the world cannot take in unlimited immigrants. With a small population, Russia may not cause problems because of its emigrants; yet China, with its huge population, would definitely prompt countries to close the door of immigration that is narrowing down if the wave of exodus from the country starts.


  1. Meteor Rain 说道:

    可恶的Karl Marx~~~坑了中俄两国人民


  2. 照妖镜 说道:

    有人说:一个国家就如同一个电脑,没有软件电脑就是一堆破铜烂铁,国家装备的软件就是信仰、道德、人性、法制、民主———中国现在已经伦落的是个地狱,都在逃,都想逃,都想逃出中共地狱,人也逃,鬼也逃,中国已经不适应人类生存,中共魔鬼在几十年的光景把中国整个给彻底毁啦,中华民族等待的是毁灭,没有信仰,没有道德,没有人性,没有正义,没有同情,没有创造,几乎都说谎,几乎都懦弱,几乎都愚蠢,港媒说: 坐视妻被奸 神州每一个男人都「窝囊」确实是实话,中共法力大的魔鬼提前后代移民是最明白中国已经不适应人类生存,精英疯狂移民是彻底明白中国已经不适应人类生存,只有中共小魔鬼木头疙瘩脑袋的愤清走狗以及5毛低能儿,还在那为了共产主义守株待兔,其不然中共只是把这个国家当作经营刮财的场地,用易经八卦给中共算个命,中共应该是个“蛊”易经八卦中的蛊卦解释说:一只满身恶毒的虫既是蛊,在和众多的无害虫盛在一个器皿里,蛊惑虫心,使满盆子里的虫互相攻击残害。敬请大家看看“蛊”字的结构。

  3. AAA它祖宗 说道:


  4. 中共牌坊 说道:

    五毛们想移民没钱 想偷渡没胆 做中共喉舌没编制 当中共狗奴不敢公开 所以五毛们的生活是扭曲的 心理是变态的 养出来的小孩也是毫无人性的

  5. 东城游客 说道:



    回答: 移民:逃脱社会主义命运魔咒的行动?! 由 elander 于 2011-11-08 19:24:14

    为 什么会出现这种末世心态?并不是这些人不爱国不爱党,爱党爱国教育一直是宣传舆论机器的主旋律,而且这些能够挥洒金钱移民海外的庞大群体,更应该感谢这个 党这个国家,是这个党培养了他们,是这个国家提供了暴富的机会。纵观世界,没有任何一个国家,比中国更容易赚钱,比中国更容易做官。令人疑惑不解的是,这 些人为什么要不惜一切代价疯狂移民?其背后隐含着哪些真实的原因?中国社会乃至中国政府为此是否有过反思?

    仅 仅是因为中国的环境遭到破坏,教育水平低下,道德全面沦丧,信仰严重缺失,仇富仇官的现实吗?仅仅是因为这些人向往资本主义的腐朽生活方式吗?(何况他们 中的许多人还是党一手薰陶和培养的对象)仅仅是因为这些人赚够了钱当厌了官而选择归隐吗?恐怕绝非如此简单!也绝非如此轻松!

    刚 刚出版的《南方周末》用几个版面发表了一篇看似枯燥无味的文章“调查组要来了”,可悲的是在网上连发表该文的《南方周末》也被屏蔽了。该文所揭露的是当今 中国一个很典型很普遍的问题,地方政府支持纵容一些黑恶势力对无辜的弱势群体进行非人的折磨和虐待,最终让这些因拆迁、失地、失业、不公而上访的人,咽下 血与泪,来谱写中国社会和谐稳定的美好篇章。

    数 以千计的人在过去不太长的时间里,因上访告状或批评,被江苏泗洪这个貌似繁荣的地方政府关进所谓的学习班。按照泗洪县学习班的办学口号:“学习班年年办, 月月学,天天站”、“同不同意,进了学习班都会同意”。学习班里的待遇是白天写检查,晚上罚站、面壁、蹲马步、端水、端凳子,这些几乎是每天都要面对的例 行处罚。许多象江献兰一样无辜的访民,只是去北京走了一趟,在国家信访局连号都没登记上,却被抓回到泗洪,最终享受的是比劳改犯更恐怖的待遇。


    这 位官员解释,当时福建办信访学习班,是把“无理上访的、无理取闹的、经过确认的,抓回来集中起来进行学习教育”。2005年前后,泗洪县决定效仿福建开办 信访学习班。“但是学着学着就走样了……不论有理没理,只要上访,不分青红皂白逮回来就打。”于是,“黑监狱”般的学习班让当地访民闻之色变。


    刚 刚发生在湖南省新化县上访村长的死亡惨剧,不过是去年浙江温州钱云会村长惨死事件的延续抑或是重演。所不同的是,钱云会在村子里被车碾死,湖南新化这位姓 游的村长是在县委大楼里被打死。8月9日,死者游济安之子游飞在家人陪同下查看了县公安局所调取的6月8日当晚县委大楼的监控录像。

    据 游飞在其所发贴文中描述,监控显示在6月8日深夜12点46分时候,县委大楼后面的电梯门打开,画面中出现6名保安,游父躺在电梯“一动不动”,然后4名 保安拖着手脚把游父拖出,随后向左黑角落转弯脱离监控画面。10多分钟后,2名保安打开后备厢,4名保安将游父“扔”入牌照“湘KF9253”汽车的尾 箱。




    这 也许才是中国人疯狂移民的真实原因。当一个人的生命都得不到尊重和保护的时候,金钱有什么用?当官有什么意义?当一个社会纵容支持黑恶势力横行的时候,每 个人都可能成为受害者和施暴者!尽管中国的经济在高速增长,尽管中国投入了大量的金钱,在世界上宣传我们的光辉形象。然而生活在这块土地上的人,最清楚生 活的真实和残酷,有时候,移民的目的仅仅只是为了更好的活着。

    我 们也许见惯了这些真实而又残酷的现实,上至大名鼎鼎的艺术家,下至默默无闻的盲人维权者,有多少人真正面对死亡的威胁和残酷的折磨而坦然无惧?我们是否能 听到,那些因宗教信仰因拆迁维权因司法不公因失业失地,而遭遇患难逼迫的同胞哭泣呐喊的声音?当几级政府出动千百人来围困一个生死不明的盲人时,谁还甘心 乐意留在这块被黑恶势力挟持的土地上?谁还对这个国家这个民族满怀热情和希望?

  6. wanwan 说道:


  7. wanwan 说道:


  8. wanwan 说道:

    “共产党的错误如何纠正?” 我们中国共产党有民主集中制的组织原则,有多党合作制的政治制度,有批评和自我批评的武器;近期提出“依法治国”,“以德治国”的方略。共产党有能力有办法纠正党的错误,包括 “文化大革命”这样全局性的错误。何况我们有自我监督机构,还有人民群众的监督、舆论的监督等。可以及时清洗内部异己分子、腐败分子、变节分子,保持队伍的纯洁性、战斗性。

  9. Free China 说道:


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