中国这份踌躇满志的得意之情,通过两篇文章表现出来。一篇是新华社社长李从军6月2日用中英文双语发表在《华尔街日报》上的文章“构建国际舆论新秩序” (Toward a New World Media Order);另一篇是6月23日《瞭望东方周刊》发表的“BBC中文广播消逝的台前幕后”。后者主要表达了一种幸灾乐祸之情,除显示出为文者心胸格局狭小之外,其余未足深论;前者却无异于通过《华尔街日报》向世界发布了一份中国大外宣雄心的宣言,一副欲执当今世界媒体帝国牛耳的暴发户之态跃然纸上。
“李从军”要“构建国际舆论新秩序”,当然是认为现有秩序存在严重问题。“李从军”找到的问题是,“由于目前国际传播缺乏足够公平的 ‘定约’与博弈,现代信息流和国际舆论场的‘桥’正在发生某种断裂。”
这两点,恰好是中国官媒一力排斥的。中国官媒所具有的特点正好与西方相反。首先,中国的任何官方媒体从诞生之日开始,其生存价值就是做“党的喉舌”。官媒与政府的关系是接受政府监督,并视吹捧政府工作及政策为“弘扬主旋律”。其次,中国的媒体报道不求真,选择性与粉饰性极强。全世界只有中国“创造性”的将新闻分成“正面新闻”与“负面新闻”,只要有损于党与政府形象的,哪怕就是每天发生的事情,也属于不能报道的“负面新闻”,一个记者如果报道负面新闻,轻则受警告处分,重则被踢出这个行业,甚至入狱——在我写这篇文章之时,正好发生一件足证中国新闻传播业不同于世界的事情:清华大学新闻与传播学院教授范红被请为改善东莞城市形象出谋划策,她出的第一个主意竟然是:要改善东莞城市形象,必须严防记者对该城市的抹黑。这次座谈会上就是她要求所有记者离场。(专家座谈范红请记者离场 称担心选择性报道抹黑)这位教授教的新闻学难道是“传播控制学”?
中国对外开放后,无论是价值观还是行事方式,都难与世界接轨。尤其是政府严厉控制媒体、迫使新闻媒体对权力奉献谄媚,说假话套话空话,更与世界新闻媒体基本准则扦格难入。中国的大外宣计划,只不过是炮制了一些更精巧的宣传品,但宣传品再精巧也只不过是宣传品,不会有多少受众。“李从军”们不仅不反思这正是中国政府的行为完全违背了普适价值,从而使中国的大外宣成为世界媒体帝国的异类,反而认为这是“不公正、不合理的国际舆论秩序……直接影响国际传播的可持续发展,在一定程度上也是造成当今世界 一些矛盾和问题的因素”,仗着政府罔顾民生搜刮民财,腰包里有几个钱,就希望改变世界媒体帝国的游戏规则。
The Daydream of Xinhua News Agency
Written by HE Qinglian
(translated by Kriz CPEC, edited and proofread by Michelle BUCHANAN)
The Chinese government has been feeling quite satisfied with its “great external propaganda plan” lately, for a few reasons: Earlier this year, the BBC had to end its Mandarin broadcast because of insufficient funds; the question of whether the Voice of America Chinese broadcast can continue remains uncertain; and only [Xinhua News Agency], with the full support of the Chinese government, is spending a considerable amount of money attempting to take over the [Chinese] media market, just at the time when Western media is being forced to leave.
This pride in their success is expressed in two articles. The first one, “Toward a New World Media Order (构 建国际舆论新秩序),” presented in both English and Chinese, was published in The Wall Street Journal by Xinhua News Agency president, Li Congjun, on June 2, 2011; the second one was published in Oriental Outlook on June 23, 2011, and entitled, “On Stage and Behind-the-scene of the Passing of BBC Mandarin Broadcast (BBC 中文广播消逝的台前幕后).” The second article, which, by-and-large, conveyed a sense of Schadenfreude, revealing the petty-mindedness of the author, has little value for discussion. The first article, however, is nothing short of issuing to the world a declaration of China’s ambition in its “great external propaganda plan” via The Wall Street Journal. The Chinese government’s nouveau riche desire to lead the current world media empire leaps off the page.
Let’s have a look at what “Li Congjun” has said. (And I use quotation marks to enclose Li’s name because in recent years a new practice to publish political viewpoints under the names of other government officials has emerged. People do this to test the waters. If trouble results, it gives them room to maneuver. Hence, an article by Li Congjun may contain views from people other than Li himself. Knowing this is vital to understanding this article and other similar articles, like those by Zhu Chenghu.) “Li Congjun” wants to build “a new order in international mass communication.” This can be read to mean that he, and others, find serious problems in the existing order. And a major problem, as outlined, is that, “the ‘bridge’ linking modern information flow and the international media is crumbling, in a sense, due to a lack of fair ‘contracting’ and ‘gaming.’”
While listing the deadly flaws of international mass communication, “Li Congjun” seems to have forgotten that in the international community it is China that has, of all countries, the poorest national credibility. The facts to back this up are readily available. For instance, China has, to date, signed twenty-two international conventions relating to human rights and yet complies to almost none of them; because of suspicion of financial fraud, one-hundred odd China-related stocks listed in the US market have recently been suspended or blacklisted. And, the cause of what “Li” mentions in the article, that being that “the ‘bridge’ linking modern information flow and the international media is crumbling, in a sense, due to a lack of fair ‘contracting’ and ‘gaming’,” is the control of the media and restriction of the Internet, not by the West, but by China itself. It is China’s control of the media and restriction of the Internet that is cutting off information flow. (The openness of the Western media is illustrated by the fact that Li Congjun can publish the declaration in the Wall Street Journal.)
“Li Congjun” goes on to say that he wants to “start a constructive reform through rule changes to rebuild the bridge of communication and let the media industry play a more active role in promoting the advancement of human civilization.” In an imitation of Deng Xiaoping’s Four Cardinal Principles, Li brings forth four principles to “guide changes in the value system”,namely “fairness”, “all-win,” inclusion”, and “responsibility.” At first glance, these words sound great. But when taking into consideration the actual differences between the Chinese state media, which serves as the government’s mouthpiece, and the free media of the West, we must realize that there are many problems with these words.
The Western media, including those in the U.S., have two fundamental dispositions. Firstly, they stay away from political power so as to maintain their functions of criticizing and supervising the government. Joseph Pulitzer described the social functions of Western media practitioners in a famous saying that suggested if a country is a sailing boat in the sea, then the journalist is the observer on the bow, he should monitor everything in the endless sea, pay attention to the unpredictable things and shallow reefs, and gave warning in a timely manner. Secondly, journalists are encouraged to seek out the truth and alert the public to the truth even when it is ugly. Good journalists tend to pride themselves on being muckrakers.
These two dispositions are exactly what the Chinese state media wholeheartedly rejects. The characteristics of the Chinese state media are the antitheses of that of the Western media. To begin with, all state media in China, right from the day they come into being, serve but one purpose–to be the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party. And their relationship with the government is that they are under the supervision of the government; they regard touting the government’s works and policies as their raison d’etre. And the Chinese media do not seek out the truth in their reports, which are highly selective and whitewashing. Throughout the world, it is only China that creatively categorizes news as “positive” and “negative”. Whatever is detrimental to the image of the party and the government is classified as negative news and must not be reported, not even if it is a daily occurrence. Should any journalists cover stories of this type, they get warnings, or worse, get booted out of the industry. They may even be jailed.
An incident that shows how the news media industry in China is dissimilar to that of the rest of the world took place as I was writing this article. Fan Hong, a professor from the School of Journalism and Communication at Tsinghua University, was invited to give advice on improving the image of the city of Dongguan. Her first suggestion was that it was crucial to guard against journalist’s negative reportage of the city. At this symposium she requested that all reporters leave the venue as she was worried that there would be selective coverage and smearing of her talk. So, was it that her lecture on journalism was instead on mass communication control?
Since economic reform, China’s values and practices have proven difficult to integrate into the outside world. This difficulty in integration is particularly true when it comes to the Chinese media. The government’s strict control forces the news agencies to flatter the powers that be, to tell lies, to make cliched remarks, and to say things of little consequence. This is incompatible with the basic principles of the international news media. China’s “great external propaganda plan” produces nothing more than propaganda materials that are simply more sophisticated than they were before. Yet, however sophisticated they may be, propaganda materials remain propaganda materials. Few buy it. People like “Li Congjun” ignore the fact that the Chinese government is behaving in ways that completely violate universal values with the result that the country’s “great external propaganda plan” is seen as an alien in the global media empire. Instead, they find this order in international mass communication to be unjust, unreasonable, directly affecting their own sustainability, and responsible for some of the world’s conflicts and problems today. With the allowance provided them by a government which disregards its citizen’s livelihood and plunders wealth from them, they think they can change the rules of the global media empire.
Mao Zedong once said, “Let Xinhua News Agency rule the earth.” Such a daydream has since encouraged the Chinese government agency. Nowadays, judging both by the size of Xinhua News Agency and the number of people it employs, the agency has become the largest of its kind in the world. With the advantage of being allowed to spend huge amount of money, the agency’s propaganda campaign is targeting every corner on earth. Yet, propaganda is propaganda, without the backing of power, the agency cannot force the world to buy into its lies. It’s predictable that China’s “great external propaganda plan”, with Xinhua News Agency as its main body, can neither change the rules of the world’s media nor obtain the credibility that media should have. The contribution it has to the world will only be in providing new jobs for unemployed foreign journalists and giving opportunities to those domestic media practitioners who want to emigrate.
新华社如泔水桶 什么都装 又臭又脏 看见反胃 里面的编辑记者拿着散发恶臭的泔水棍每天都要在中国共产党化粪池里搅动 颠倒黑白 指鹿为马 祝新华社党棍们死有余辜!
For the love of God, keep wriitng these articles.
呵呵, 笑话. 文章所说的西方媒体与政治保持距离好象在美国之音并不能适用吧. 美国之音地后台老板就是美国政府, 请问哪里来的距离? 连运营资金都是美国政府拨的银子, 这也叫距离? 请文章作者解释解释看?
我看中国越是发展, 海外的运运越是郁闷. 只好画饼充饥的在外面自己做做白日梦了.
顺便提醒一下, 别把俺的帖子又给屏蔽咯.
T0 AAA: 可爱的AAA, 别来得意?
你缸少的是一条把你吊在树上的绳子和一只套在你头上的馬桶!你将会很快得到這两件你日思夜想的礼物.北非和中东人民的起义敲响了北京的喪鈡!正在中国各地开放的茉莉花, 在内蒙,新疆,西藏等地少数民族的反抗暴政,反抗種族迫害,反抗宗教迫害以及全国各地汉族同胞反暴政,反迫害運動吹响了对北京末日审判的号角! 伟大的导师,英明的領袖毛澤东几十年前早有預言:哪里有压迫,那里就有反抗!
Woot, I will cetrainly put this to good use!
Good points all around. Truly apperciated.
提到新华社的白日梦,首先想到的就是郭德纲相声中把党的喉舌朴实地形容成是“一屁俩谎”四个字。中国老百姓对喉舌都有很好的抵抗力。而在西方大众普遍媒体精明(media savvy)的时代,连老牌西方媒体都在“精确,及时,细致”的新闻原则下惨烈竞争的时候,新华社大外宣雄心就显得阿Q姓赵般地荒谬滑稽,时空错位。随便举个例子,最近 guardian刻画温家宝访英的漫画中,准确地连温小中风后留下的右嘴角歪斜的细节都没有放过!
呵呵. 请文章作者来解释一下美国之音和美国政府的关系… 啥叫美国等西方传媒有两个基本禀性,一是与政治权力保持距离?
4、网络评论员要善于隐瞒自己的真实身份,必需有多个不同的网名,而且不同的网名要发表不同风格的文章。必要的时候,可以由不同小组成员制造网友辩论的假象,然后由第三方推出强有力的证据, 把公众舆论引导到第三方。
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