
















  1. 草根 說道:



    • 乒乓 說道:



  2. 阿亞 說道:


    • Hans 說道:


  3. z 說道:


  4. zhufengjian 說道:


  5. skywalker 說道:


    http://news.xinhuanet.com/society/2009-06/27/content_11611087.htm重慶官員子女更改民族成分騙取高考加分 調查組表示將嚴肅處理責任人


    • asdf 說道:


    • Hans 說道:


  6. skywalker 說道:


    • lij 說道:


    • Hans 說道:


    • 世人 說道:


    • 四明山人 說道:


    • men 說道:


    • xingxingshenxu 說道:



      • skywalker 說道:

        回復xingxingshenxu :


  7. tTD 說道:


    • twb 說道:




      • 巴圖魯 說道:


      • Hans 說道:


        • kmtwb 說道:



          • Hans 說道:


  8. Hans 說道:


  9. 乒乓 說道:


  10. abc 說道:

    Dear Skywalker:
    請你具體地, 詳細地,確實無誤地說明達賴的政治主張, 謝謝.

  11. 青海 說道:

    1. 西藏人有權自決
    2. 安多和康的藏區西藏人從歷史上和現實上都沒有任何控制,事實上已經早已併入青海,四川,雲南。freetibet的說什麼完整西藏不可接受。藏人要自覺放棄在青海,四川藏區的鬧市,回到你們自己家去
    3. 如果西藏在發生如1932年在英國支持下入侵青海的事情,不要怪送你們全部去轉世。

  12. skywalker 說道:

    ○4讓我們看一下達賴和尚五條政治主張中唯一一條拒絕中共給予的條款——所謂到藏區的漢族移民。abc請先告訴我一個比較數據:達賴主政下藏民人口 VS 中共統治下藏民人口(我不列請你列是免得你說中共作假)。而後,我給憂心藏族被中共用“終極手段”消滅的達賴和尚支個招,只要你和中共政府談判時讓他們允許凡是到藏區的漢族移民改說藏語、頒依藏傳佛教,你會發現中國自認藏民的人數即刻刷刷上升!不要說高考加分、提干優先諸多好處了,光是小孩,就可以光明正大地生二胎!最後abc請回答,除了邪惡中共統治下的大陸,還有哪個國家的多數民族不惜觸犯法律上趕着當少數民族的?這裡本人個人吹噓一下自己“覺悟”(因為沒法像達賴那樣動不動聲稱自己代表全體藏民),回應達賴指藏民在中國“最多是二等公民”:我這個漢族的一等公民願意放棄身份,當“最多是二等的藏民”,可惜法律不準。
    Transformation of the whole of Tibet into a zone of peace;
    I propose that the whole of Tibet, including the eastern provinces of Kham and Amdo, be transformed into a zone of “Ahimsa”, a Hindi term used to mean a state of peace and non-violence.

    ○6 Earlier in this century, the Manchus were a distinct race with their own culture and traditions. Today only two to three million Manchurians are left in Manchuria, where 75 million Chinese have settled.

    ○7Tibet should not be used for the production of nuclear weapons and the dumping of nuclear waste.中國在西藏製造原子武器和傾倒原子廢料?難道高寒缺氧和交通不便有利製造原子武器?凍土適宜於填埋核廢料?——哈,我知道電影2012的創意由何而來了。

    Five Point Peace Plan
    Address to the U.S. Congressional Human Right’s Caucus
    September 21, 1987

    The world is increasingly interdependent, so that lasting peace – national, regional and global – can only be achieved if we think in terms of broader interest rather than parochial needs. At this time, it is crucial that all of us, the strong and the weak, contribute in our own way. I speak to you today as○1the leader of the Tibetan people and as a Buddhist monk devoted to the principles of a religion based on love and compassion. Above all, I am here as a human being who is destined to share this planet with you and all others as brothers and sisters. As the world grows smaller, we need each other more than in the past. This is true in all parts of the world, including the continent I come from.

    At present in Asia, as elsewhere, tensions are high. There are open conflicts in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and in my own country, Tibet. To a large extent, these problems are symptoms of the underlying tensions that exist among the area’s great powers. In order to resolve regional conflicts, an approach is required that takes into account the interests of all relevant countries and peoples, large and small. Unless comprehensive solutions are formulated that take into account the aspirations of the people most directly concerned, piecemeal or merely expedient measures will only create new problems.

    The Tibetan people are eager to contribute to regional and world peace, and I believe they are in a unique position to do so. Traditionally, Tibetans are a peace loving and non-violent people. Since Buddhism was introduced to Tibet over one thousand years ago, Tibetans have practiced non-violence with respect to all forms of life. This attitude has also been extended to our country’s international relations. Tibet’s highly strategic position in the heart of Asia, separating the continent’s great powers – India, China and the USSR – has throughout history endowed it with an essential role in the maintenance of peace and stability. This is precisely why, in the past, Asia’s empires went to great lengths to keep one another out of Tibet. Tibet’s value as an independent buffer state was integral to the region’s stability.

    When the newly formed People’s Republic of China invaded Tibet in 1949/50, it created a new source of conflict.○2 This was highlighted when, following the Tibetan national uprising against the Chinese and my flight to India in 1959, tensions between China and India escalated into the border war in 1962. Today large numbers of troops are again massed on both sides of the Himalayan border and tension is once more dangerously high.

    The real issue, of course, is not the Indo-Tibetan border demarcation. It is China’s illegal occupation of Tibet, which has given it direct access to the Indian sub-continent. The Chinese authorities have attempted to confuse the issue by claiming that Tibet has always been a part of China. This is untrue. ○3Tibet was a fully independent state when the People’s Liberation Army invaded the country in 1949/50.

    Since Tibetan emperors unified Tibet, over a thousand years ago, our country was able to maintain its independence until the middle of this century. At times Tibet extended its influence over neighbouring countries and peoples and, in other periods, came itself under the influence of powerful foreign rulers – the Mongol Khans, the Gorkhas of Nepal, the Manchu Emperors and the British in India.

    It is, of course, not uncommon for states to be subjected to foreign influence or interference. Although so-called satellite relationships are perhaps the clearest examples of this, most major powers exert influence over less powerful allies or neighbours. As the most authoritative legal studies have shown, in Tibet’s case, the country’s occasional subjection to foreign influence never entailed a loss of independence. And there can be no doubt that when Peking’s communist armies entered Tibet, Tibet was in all respects an independent state.

    China’s aggression, condemned by virtually all nations of the free world, was a flagrant violation of international law. As China’s military occupation of Tibet continues, the world should remember that though Tibetans have lost their freedom, under international law Tibet today is still an independent state under illegal occupation.

    It is not my purpose to enter into a political/legal discussion here concerning Tibet’s status. I just wish to emphasise the obvious and undisputed fact that we Tibetans are a distinct people with our own culture, language, religion and history. But for China’s occupation, Tibet would still, today, fulfill its natural role as a buffer state maintaining and promoting peace in Asia.

    It is my sincere desire, as well as that of the Tibetan people, to restore to Tibet her invaluable role, by converting the entire country – comprising the three provinces of U-Tsang, Kham and Amdo – once more into a place of stability, peace and harmony. In the best of Buddhist tradition, Tibet would extend its services and hospitality to all who further the cause of world peace and the well-being of mankind and the natural environment we share.

    Despite the holocaust inflicted upon our people in the past decades of occupation, I have always strived to find a solution through direct and honest discussions with the Chinese. In 1982, following the change of leadership in China and the establishment of direct contacts with the government in Peking, I sent my representatives to Peking to open talks concerning the future of my country and people.

    We entered the dialogue with the sincere and positive attitude and with the willingness to take into account the legitimate needs of the People’s Republic of China. I hoped that this attitude would be reciprocated and that a solution could eventually be found which would satisfy and safeguard the aspirations and interests of both parties. Unfortunately, China has consistently responded to our efforts in a defensive manner, as though our detailing of Tibet’s very real difficulties was criticism for its own sake.

    To our even greater dismay, the Chinese government misused the opportunity for a genuine dialogue. Instead of addressing the real issues facing the six million Tibetan people, China has attempted to reduce the question of Tibet to a discussion of my own personal status.

    It is against this background and in response to the tremendous support and encouragement I have been given by you and other persons I have met during this trip, that I wish today to clarify the principal issues and to propose, in a spirit of openness and conciliation, a first step towards a lasting solution. I hope this may contribute to a future of friendship and cooperation with all of our neighbours, including the Chinese people.

    This peace plan contains five basic components:
    1. ○5Transformation of the whole of Tibet into a zone of peace;
    2. ○4Abandonment of China’s population transfer policy which threatens the very existence of the Tibetans as a people;
    3. Respect for the Tibetan people’s fundamental human rights and democratic freedoms;
    4. Restoration and protection of Tibet’s natural environment and the abandonment of China’s use of Tibet for the production of nuclear weapons and dumping of nuclear waste;
    5. Commencement of earnest negotiations on the future status of Tibet and of relations between the Tibetan and Chinese peoples.

    Let me explain these five components.

    1. ○5I propose that the whole of Tibet, including the eastern provinces of Kham and Amdo, be transformed into a zone of “Ahimsa”, a Hindi term used to mean a state of peace and non-violence.

    The establishment of such a peace zone would be in keeping with Tibet’s historical role as a peaceful and neutral Buddhist nation and buffer state separating the continent’s great powers. It would also be in keeping with Nepal’s proposal to proclaim Nepal a peace zone and with China’s declared support for such a proclamation. The peace zone proposed by Nepal would have a much greater impact if it were to include Tibet and neighbouring areas.

    The establishment of a peace zone in Tibet would require withdrawal of Chinese troops and military installations from the country, which would enable India also to withdraw troops and military installations from the Himalayan regions bordering Tibet. This would be achieved under an international agreement which would satisfy China’s legitimate security needs and build trust among the Tibetan, Indian, Chinese and other peoples of the region. This is in everyone’s best interest, particularly that of China and India, as it would enhance their security, while reducing the economic burden of maintaining high troop concentrations on the disputed Himalayan border.

    Historically, relations between China and India were never strained. It was only when Chinese armies marched into Tibet, creating for the first time a common border, that tensions arose between these two powers, ultimately leading to the 1962 war. Since then numerous dangerous incidents have continued to occur. A restoration of good relations between the world’s two most populous countries would be greatly facilitated if they were separated – as they were throughout history – by a large and friendly buffer region.

    To improve relations between the Tibetan people and the Chinese, the first requirement is the creation of trust. After the holocaust of the last decades in which over one million Tibetans – one sixth of the population – lost their lives and at least as many lingered in prison camps because of their religious beliefs and love of freedom, only a withdrawal of Chinese troops could start a genuine process of reconcilitation. The vast occupation force in Tibet is a daily reminder to the Tibetans of the oppression and suffering they have all experienced. A troop withdrawal would be an essential signal that in future a meaningful relationship might be established with the Chinese, based on friendship and trust.

    2. ○4The population transfer of Chinese into Tibet, which the government in Peking pursues in order to force a “final solution” to the Tibetan problem by reducing the Tibetan population to an insignificant and disenfranchised minority in Tibet itself, must be stopped.

    The massive transfer of Chinese civilians into Tibet in violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention (1949), threatens the very existence of the Tibetans as a distinct people. In the eastern parts of our country, the Chinese now greatly outnumber Tibetans. In the Amdo province, for example, where I was born, there are, according to the Chinese statistics, 2.5 million Chinese and only 750,000 Tibetans. Even in the so-called Tibet Autonomous Region (i.e., central and western Tibet), Chinese government sources now confirm that Chinese outnumber Tibetans.

    The Chinese population transfer policy is not new. It has been systematically applied to other areas before. ○6Earlier in this century, the Manchus were a distinct race with their own culture and traditions. Today only two to three million Manchurians are left in Manchuria, where 75 million Chinese have settled. In Eastern Turkestan, which the Chinese now call Sinkiang, the Chinese population has grown from 200,000 in 1949 to 7 million, more than half of the total population of 13 million. In the wake of the Chinese colonization of Inner Mongolia, Chinese number 8.5 million, Mongols 2.5 million.

    Today, in the whole of Tibet 7.5 million Chinese settlers have already been sent, outnumbering the Tibetan population of 6 million. In central and western Tibet, now referred to by the Chinese as the “Tibet Autonomous Region”, Chinese sources admit the 1.9 million Tibetans already constitute a minority of the region’s population. These numbers do not take the estimated 300,000-500,000 troops in Tibet into account – 250,000 of them in so-called Tibet Autonomous Region.

    For the Tibetans to survive as a people, it is imperative that the population transfer is stopped and Chinese settlers return to China. Otherwise, Tibetans will soon be no more than a tourist attraction and relic of a noble past.

    3. Fundamental human rights and democratic freedoms must be respected in Tibet. The Tibetan people must once again be free to develop culturally, intellectually, economically and spiritually and to exercise basic democratic freedoms.

    Human rights violations in Tibet are among the most serious in the world. Discrimination is practiced in Tibet under a policy of “apartheid” which the Chinese call “segregation and assimilation”. ○7 Tibetans are, at best, second class citizens in their own country. Deprived of all basic democratic rights and freedoms, they exist under a colonial administration in which all real power is wielded by Chinese officials of the Communist Party and the army.

    Although the Chinese government allows Tibetans to rebuild some Buddhist monasteries and to worship in them, it still forbids serious study and teaching of religion. Only a small number of people, approved by the Communist Party, are permitted to join the monasteries.

    While Tibetans in exile exercise their democratic rights under a constitution promulgated by me in 1963, thousands of our countrymen suffer in prisons and labour camps in Tibet for their religious or political convictions.

    4. Serious efforts must be made to restore the natural environment in Tibet. ○7Tibet should not be used for the production of nuclear weapons and the dumping of nuclear waste.

    Tibetans have a great respect for all forms of life. This inherent feeling is enhanced by the Buddhist faith, which prohibits the harming of all sentient beings, whether human or animal. Prior to the Chinese invasion, Tibet was an unspoiled wilderness sanctuary in a unique natural environment. Sadly, in the past decades the wildlife and the forests of Tibet have been almost totally destroyed by the Chinese. The effects on Tibet’s delicate environment have been devastating. What little is left in Tibet must be protected and efforts must be made to restore the environment to its balanced state.

    China uses Tibet for the production of nuclear weapons and may also have started dumping nuclear waste in Tibet. Not only does China plan to dispose of its own nuclear waste but also that of other countries, who have already agreed to pay Peking to dispose of their toxic materials.

    The dangers this presents are obvious. Not only living generations, but future generations are threatened by China’s lack of concern for Tibet’s unique and delicate environment.

    5. Negotiations on the future status of Tibet and the relationship between the Tibetan and Chinese peoples should be started in earnest.

    We wish to approach this subject in a reasonable and realistic way, in a spirit of frankness and conciliation and with a view to finding a solution that is in the long term interest of all: the Tibetans, the Chinese, and all other peoples concerned. Tibetans and Chinese are distinct peoples, each with their own country, history, culture, language, and way of life. Differences among peoples must be recognized and respected. They need not, however, form obstacles to genuine cooperation where this is in the mutual benefit of both peoples. It is my sincere belief that if the concerned parties were to meet and discuss their future with an open mind and a sincere desire to find a satisfactory and just solution, a breakthrough could be achieved. We must all exert ourselves to be reasonable and wise, and to meet in a spirit of frankness and understanding.

    Let me end on the personal note. I wish to thank you for the concern and support which you and so many of your colleagues and fellow citizens have expressed for the plight of oppressed people everywhere. The fact that you have publicly shown your sympathy for us Tibetans, has already had a positive impact on the lives of our people inside Tibet. I ask for your continued support in this critical time in our country’s history.

    Thank you.

  13. deutschkai 說道:

    世界上最沒有資格講人權的人就是美國人 只有傻逼才會被美國人營造的藍圖給忽悠

  14. blackmail 說道:




  15. 南望王師又一年 說道:


  16. blackmail 說道:




    • Hans 說道:


    • 何清漣 說道:


      • Hans 說道:


        • 何清漣 說道:


          • 泰姆 說道:






            它運擔當何等身份,行使何等權利 將其流亡政府民主化?



          • men 說道:


  17. john lu 說道:


    • 四明山人 說道:


      • john lu 說道:


        • Prague 說道:


        • 四明山人 說道:

          自焚只是抗爭的一種表現.59年平亂是最大規模的抗爭,以後抗爭一直都有,只是在高壓下規模不大,加上中共一直封鎖消息罷了.胡錦濤因平亂西藏有功而受鄧小平賞識而指為隔代接班人.自焚並不恐怖,和跳樓無大區別,並不傷及他人.富士通跳樓事件難道也是恐怖事件.去看看西藏吧,已經在用內地模式在西藏搞開發建設,大量漢人湧入,只有懂漢語的藏民才能去內地上好的學校學習,找到好的工作,這種漢化不是殖民?說是自治區,其實藏民沒有一點自治權,漢人說了算.毛對達賴說宗教是毒品,這是對神最大的不敬,藏民還認他是活佛? 只怕是中共自欺欺人.香港不該是高度自治的,卻自治了,西藏該高度自治的卻沒有.

          • john lu 說道:


    • 五大湖人 說道:


  18. Prague 說道:

    一些歐洲人常以當時中國施行的殘暴刑罰 – 像是凌遲


  19. 乒乓 說道:


    • 何清漣 說道:


  20. krizcpec 說道:


    有人把西方民主社會中優勢語言對其他語言的影響,使後者自然出現的 language shift/language loss 和專制的中共統治之下,強行以一種語言取締其他語言的assimillist policy 畫上等號,卻無視兩者的根本性分別–最簡單一點,人家澳洲的土著,美國的印第安人手中有選票,可以為自己發聲;西藏等少數民族卻和所有中國境內的人一樣,只是被統治者,也無法像土著/印第安人用同樣的方式表達自己。
    就像學者李江琳說的: “今天,如果你生為藏人,在自己的家鄉沒有旅行的自由;政府不跟你商量,不管你願意不願意,強行改變你的生活方式,還要你感激涕零;你不能公開向自己的領袖致敬卻要膜拜外人強加於你的偶像,而這一切都是用暴力手段製造恐怖,而這恐怖還一天天地維持着。過着這樣的日子,你會怎麼想?“

    • skywalker 說道:



    • john lu 說道:


      • krizcpec 說道:

        回覆 John Lu 及 Skywalker
        兩位說美國、澳洲等的不公政策,我當然知道,我還知道澳洲政府曾土著道歉,http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7241965.stm ,美國也向印第安人道歉:http://www.nativetimes.com/news/tribal/3651-apology-to-tribes-us-apologizes-to-american-indians-for-mistreatment 中國政府為文革以來對少數民族文化的破壞,道過歉嗎?難道別國以前犯過同樣的錯,中國政府現在就可以心安心得繼續文化滅絕?

        • skywalker 說道:


          • krizcpec 說道:


            John Lu:
            你說:” 中共如果要滅絕藏族文化,那還出錢修復被文革搗毀的寺廟?還容許學校教藏文?請實事求是。”
            ”西藏自治區越來越多學校以漢語取代藏語教授學生”,” 新上任的中共西藏黨委書記陳全國就要求‘在全西藏120萬平方公里的遼闊疆域上聽不到達賴的聲音、看不到達賴的形象’,並且要引導藏人“從小感黨恩跟黨走”,請你說明一下,這些是實情嗎?

            1. “人幾乎殺光了、地幾乎被占完之後再過了上百年,道歉有多大意義?”
            2. “現有法律政策下,漢族只能生一胎、包括藏族在內的少數民族可以生二胎
            3. 少數民族高考加分、提干優先這是壓迫嗎?
            4. 西藏公立中、小、大學都是強制性的雙語教學,請問這是文化滅絕嗎?
            回:”西藏自治區越來越多學校以漢語取代藏語教授學生” 是實情嗎?如果真是”強制性的雙語教學”,為什麼越來越多學校不守規定?
            5. 中共有禁止信仰藏傳佛教嗎?”
            且不論Hans 說的”寺廟行政級別化、強制「地上」天主教會與梵蒂岡脫鉤、以及今年以來在藏區搞的「領袖像入寺廟」。”藏人自行製簽選出的班禪喇嘛現在人在哪裡?中共安排另一位”班禪”坐床,強逼藏人服從他, 這是宗教自由嗎?
            6. “實在的政治權利。” 請問你手中有選票嗎?能自由言說嗎?在網上組織群組討論民主的曹海波被判刑八年,網民開十八大的玩笑被刑事拘留,失地/被拆遷者向當局陳情被截訪,關黑監獄,請你說明一下,你有甚麼權利?如果哪一天官府徵地徵到你家門時,希望你能夠憑你享有的”實在的政治權利”捍衛你的正當利益,法院會公正的為你主持公道。

        • john lu 說道:


        • john lu 說道:


    • skywalker 說道:

      回復krizcpec兼論西藏問題的實質 :

      公元1200後,大的藏傳佛教派別就有:寧瑪派(紅教或古宗派)\ 噶舉派(白教,主要分為四宗八派)\ 薩迦派 (花教,除了薩迦本派之外,尚有哦巴、茶巴、種巴三支派)\ 噶當派(原噶當派僧人和寺院先後都改宗格魯派)\ 格魯派(黃教,由噶當派演變而來)\ 希解派\ 覺囊派\ 覺宇派\ 廓扎派\ 夏魯派……

      • 四明山人 說道:


  21. jenny 說道:


  22. skywalker 說道:


    • 何清漣 說道:


      • skywalker 說道:


        要說正經研究西藏問題,學術上第一步得檢索完中文、外文數據庫所有相關論文,漏一篇論文、一本專著,也是文獻資料梳理上的重大缺陷;查外國權威的外交政策,要看也是看《foreign policy》這樣的。之所以光顧何老師這樣的公知博客,真正與學術無關,是想藉此看看老美的宣傳調調也。

        • 何清漣 說道:



          • skywalker 說道:


          • 何清漣 說道:


  23. 四明山人 說道:

    有文化的流氓真可怕.干盡壞事還能洗涮自己,把自己說成救世主,還讓和尚尼姑唱 黨啊親愛的媽媽,沒有共產黨就沒有新中國 天下還有更無恥的?藏人自焚,漢人下跪,我作為漢人汗顏.

    • supolang 說道:


    • john lu 說道:


  24. abc 說道:

    答 Skywalker 問

    dear Skywalker:
    我絕對相信, 你吃錯了葯, 腦神經短路, 要殺人, 嚇得我汗毛倒豎 ,冷汗直流, 但轉念一想, 隨即處之泰然.

    Skywalker, 如果我的請求傷害了你對中國共產黨的親蜜感情, 我感到的只有遺憾. 如果我的請求引爆了裝在你肚子里的 “大漢族沙文主義炸彈” (這個牌子的炸彈兩年來已因戰功彪炳而赫赫有名,世人聞風喪膽), 把你炸個稀巴爛, 變成一團爛泥, 任路人踐踏, 任車輛輾壓, 更着風雨鞭打,電閃雷轟, 最後滖落茅坑——我不會感到遺憾, 更不會把這團爛泥當作在烈火中失去生命的苦難藏胞的祭品, 為什麼? 不為什麼, 這團爛泥不配 !

    可敬的 Skywalker,讓我們回到你提出的5個問題上來, 首先我請你千萬別生氣, 更不要暴跳如雷, 否則我高掛免戰牌在城上睡大覺, 任由你在城外罵戰.
    第1,2, 3問題, 達賴稱(說)……對誰稱? 什麼時候稱?在什麼環境下稱? 請出示全文.
    #4, 這是什麼邏輯? 什麼辯證法? 這是強盜邏輯! 這是吸血鬼辯證法! 強盜武力闖入鄰居, 殺了鄰居的先祖, 掠奪了人家所有資源包括土地,人口,文化,寺廟,宗教自由, 人權…..等等, 然後給回一點點微不足道的小恩小惠,讓粉絲謳歌.

    #5. 中共用了半個世紀的時間,始終無法獲得西藏民心,無法統治好西藏, 最後認識到達賴喇嘛在全體西藏人民心目中不可搖動且無人可以取代的領袖地位, 同意與達賴喇嘛談判, 這件事本身已經清楚無誤地表明了中共承認達賴喇嘛是全體西藏人民的領袖, 承認了達賴喇嘛是西藏人民合法的, 唯一的全權談判代表.

    Skywalker, 即使你不承認(You guess who you are?)達賴喇嘛的領袖身份, 這不要緊,也不重要, 重要的是中共承認.
    既然中央政府接受了達賴喇嘛以西藏人民領袖的身份代表西藏人民談判, 他當然可以, 當然有權和中國政府一樣提出任何迠議, 任何計劃, 任何要求, 討價還價, guy 這並無不妥. 畢竟為西藏人民爭取最佳利益是他的責任, 也是西藏人民的權利. 這種談判從02年2月到10年2月來進行了9次.每一次達賴喇嘛都是以西藏人民領袖的身份代表西藏人民談判.

    Skywalker, 其實, 這5個問題只是同一個問題的不同提法, 你是想藉這5個問題得出同一個結論, 即是:

    西藏”自古以來”就是中國的領土(胡說八道, 讓”共創論”見鬼去吧), 西藏人民在中共的統治下過着自由美滿的生活, 載歌又載舞, 幸福樂無邊.

    可敬的 guy, 他們真的過着自由美滿的生活, 載歌又載舞, 幸福樂無邊嗎? 倘如是, 請開放報禁, 開放西藏, 讓聯合囯人權委員會, 國際人權組織, 讓中外記者, 中外各種媒體自由參觀採訪, 讓真相說話, 讓真理評說, 讓全世的報紙, 雜誌,刋物,TV, 廣播電台免費邦助中共把西藏人民”載歌又載舞, 幸福樂無邊”的天堂生活向全世界展示, 讓他們眼紅, 妒忌. 氣死他們.


    他們幸福嗎? 可敬的 Skywalker, 11月7號星期三(18大開幕) 阿壩地區三名西藏少年僧侶自焚,
    11/20, 35歲的牧民次仁敦珠星期二在甘肅省一個礦區附近自焚,身後留下兩個年幼的孩子和妻子
    11/20, 25歲的旺慶羅布星期一晚在青海省海東地區循化自治縣自焚
    10月23日,57歲的藏族男子多傑仁青自焚喪生,留下妻子, 一兒一女以及80多歲的老母
    從2009年2月至今,中國的藏區有78藏人自焚,抗議中國當局壓制他們的政策,自焚者中有僧侶, 普通百姓,老,中,青,最年少的只有15歲. 其中有超過64人死亡。(以上資料根據國際人權組織)


    生命在烈火中燃燒, 生命在烈火中呼喚, 呼喚達賴喇嘛. 呼喚他們古老的袓國.
    生命在烈火中向全世界, 全人類, 向他們的靈魂, 向他們的良知呼籲……
    說自焚是給中共面子, 確確切切地說, 是中共(及其粉絲,包括你)親手點火焚焼他們.
    生命不應該這様悲慘, 生命不應該被焚焼, 被毀滅, 被凌辱, 被摧殘.
    生命不應該被折磨, 他們有罪嗎? 沒有! 他們沒有罪!
    生命應該有尊嚴, 有人權, 生命應該有歡樂, 有喜悅! 人人有責任, 有權利創迠自由與民主, 公平與正義的社會並在自由與正義中享受生命! 追求幸福!


    可敬的 Skywalker,你提出的5個問題和陳述的每一個字對觧決西藏問題毫無意義,簡直迂腐透頂.

    1) 中共說的: “自古以來西藏是屬於中國的”.
    2)歷史真相說的: “自古以來他們有袓國”

    中共不尊重歷史真相, 頑固堅持 “自古以來西藏是屬於中國的”. 為了令”自古以來”合法化, 為了令”自古以來”具有戰鬥力, 聰明絕頂的中共發明了”共創論”.

    可敬的Skywalker, 中共 “共創論”, 用 “自古以來” 這件武器毫不費力地擁有了西藏, 中共已經認定不存在任何西藏歸屬問題, 也不再需要利用達賴喇嘛, 所以你那些迂腐又無聊的話題已失去市場, 從此可以關門大吉.

    如今,中共的興趣已經轉向一個更加偉大, 遠景更加光輝燦爛的目標: ——-”自古以來世界是屬於中國的”

    理由? 簡單,明白, 有力:
    中國人的袓先在非洲出生, 長大, 繁殖, 然後散佈( 或者說到過) 世界各地, 最後在亞洲定居, 所以 “自古以來非洲是屬於中國的, 自古以來亞洲是屬於中國的”, 中共已經明確認定 “世界是屬於中國的” 為黨的核心利益, 不容任何人侵犯. 正是這一目標的輝煌遠景逗引着中共, 誘惑着中共不斷擴張, 掠奪世界, 倒亂世界.

    Guy, 你是中共粉絲, 這很好, 你的興趣應該跟着轉移, 在 “自古以來南中國海是屬於中國的”, “自古以來釣魚島是屬於中國的” 等問題上充分發揮你的想象力,創造力.

    他們有袓國 !

    他們有袓國! 西藏是屬於西藏人民的,不是屬於中共的. 他們有袓國!(詳見叧文)
    按照目前考古學上的證據,在距今14000年和8000年之間的中石器時代, 在西藏高原活動的人類,逐漸發展成今日的藏族而非漢族. 藏族所信奉的原始宗教稱為“苯教”。公元6世紀以前,整個西藏高原都分布著很多說藏語的小國家和部族。這些部落後來合併為12個小邦,其中以位於山南地區雅隆河谷的吐蕃最為強大,統一了諸邦,迠立了吐蕃王朝。

    根據西藏史料的記載,在公元前127年的時候,雅魯藏布江流域的幾位苯教領袖,曾經一起迎立聶赤贊布為王。由於吐蕃王朝的建立者宣稱自己是聶赤贊布的後代,因.此西藏人就將聶赤贊布登上王位的那一年(公元前127年),稱之為西藏王統元年,距今已經超過2100年了(中央研究院歷史語言研究所 2003)

    西藏自古以來就是一個獨立國家, 13世紀初業被強大的蒙古人拼呑納入中國版圖. 1368年, 元朝覆亡,西藏從新獨立, 拒絕向明帝國稱臣. 1705年, 清朝乘西藏局勢不穩,以安定西藏為由,派員駐守西藏. 1720, 清廷又揮軍進駐拉薩,淸朝通過強大軍事壓力, 巧取毫奪控制了西藏, 1750西藏被迫接受成為清朝的保護國.

    西藏有兩千多年的歷史, 創造了光輝燦爛的藏傳佛教文化, 這種獨特的充滿真善美和謙卑的文化造就了西藏精神.

    和不死的猶太人精神一樣, 西藏精神同樣不朽, 同樣具有無限的生命力, 正是偉大的西藏精神, 緊緊地維繫着這個受盡苦難與屈辱折磨但卓絕不凢的民族, 並支持着這個民族將必然地最終取得民族自決權.


    可敬的 Skywalker,愛自己的民族是好的, 這沒有什麼不對, 在愛自己民族的同時, 同樣真誠地愛別的民族, 那就格外好, 世界才會有和平與安寧. 畢竟人類追求的不過是公平與正義, 和平與安寧.

    可敬的Skywalker, 儘管你冷血無情, 對在烈火中失去的生命無情地鞕打, 儘管我與你的道德價值觀念南轅北撤, 儘管 “我不同意你講的每一句話, 但你有講這些話的權利” (伏爾泰), 你可以繼續無休止地糾纏那些無聊的, 迂腐透頂的話題. 繼續無休止地創造與真實的歷史背道而馳的史料.

    和你爭論毫無意義, 倒不如睡大覺, 在夢中享受習少變成戈巴喬夫帶來的喜悅.

    永遠尊敬你的 abc

    Is Tibet Part of China?

    For at least 1500 years, the nation of Tibet has had a complex relationship with its large and powerful neighbor to the east, China. The political history of Tibet and China reveals that the relationship has not always been as one-sided as it now appears.Indeed, as with China’s relations with the Mongols and the Japanese, the balance of power between China and Tibet has shifted back and forth over the centuries.The first known interaction between the two states came in 640 A.D., when the Tibetan King Songtsan Gampo married the Princess Wencheng, a niece of the Tang Emperor Taizong. He also married a Nepalese princess.Both wives were Buddhists, and this may have been the origin of Tibetan Buddhism. The faith grew when an influx of Central Asian Buddhists flooded Tibet early in the eighth century, fleeing from advancing armies of Arab and Kazakh Muslims.During his reign, Songtsan Gampo added parts of the Yarlung River Valley to the Kingdom of Tibet; his descendants would also conquer the vast region that is now the Chinese provinces of Qinghai, Gansu, and Xinjiang between 663 and 692. Control of these border regions would change hands back and forth for centuries to come.In 692, the Chinese retook their western lands from the Tibetans after defeating them at Kashgar. The Tibetan king then allied himself with the enemies of China, the Arabs and eastern Turks.Chinese power waxed strong in the early decades of the eighth century. Imperial forces under General Gao Xianzhi conquered much of Central Asia, until their defeat by the Arabs and Karluks at the Battle of Talas River in 751. China’s power quickly waned, and Tibet resumed control of much of Central Asia.The ascendant Tibetans pressed their advantage, conquering much of northern India and even seizing the Tang Chinese capital city of Chang’an (now Xian) in 763.Tibet and China signed a peace treaty in 821 or 822, which delineated the border between the two empires. The Tibetan Empire would concentrate on its Central Asian holdings for the next several decades, before splitting into several small, fractious kingdoms.

    Independent Tibet

    When the Mongols’ Yuan Empire fell in 1368 to the ethnic-Han Chinese Ming, Tibet reasserted its independence and refused to pay tribute to the new Emperor.In 1474, the abbot of an important Tibetan Buddhist monastery, Gendun Drup, passed away. A child who born two years later was found to be a reincarnation of the abbot, and was raised to be the next leader of that sect, Gendun Gyatso.After their lifetimes, the two men were called the First and Second Dalai Lamas. Their sect, the Gelug or “Yellow Hats,” became the dominant form of Tibetan Buddhism.The Third Dalai Lama, Sonam Gyatso (1543-1588), was the first to be so named during his life. He was responsible for converting the Mongols to Gelug Tibetan Buddhism, and it was the Mongol ruler Altan Khan who probably gave the title “Dalai Lama” to Sonam Gyatso.While the newly-named Dalai Lama consolidated the power of his spiritual position, though, the Gtsang-pa Dynasty assumed the royal throne of Tibet in 1562. The Kings would rule the secular side of Tibetan life for the next 80 years.The Fourth Dalai Lama, Yonten Gyatso (1589-1616), was a Mongolian prince and the grandson of Altan Khan.During the 1630s, China was embroiled in power struggles between the Mongols, Han Chinese of the fading Ming Dynasty, and the Manchu people of north-eastern China (Manchuria). The Manchus would eventually defeat the Han in 1644, and establish China’s final imperial dynasty, the Qing (1644-1912).Tibet got drawn into this turmoil when the Mongol warlord Ligdan Khan, a Kagyu Tibetan Buddhist, decided to invade Tibet and destroy the Yellow Hats in 1634. Ligdan Khan died on the way, but his follower Tsogt Taij took up the cause.The great general Gushi Khan, of the Oirad Mongols, fought against Tsogt Taij and defeated him in 1637. The Khan killed the Gtsang-pa Prince of Tsang, as well. With support from Gushi Khan, the Fifth Dalai Lama, Lobsang Gyatso, was able to seize both spiritual and temporal power over all of Tibet in 1642.

    The Dalai Lama Rises to Power

    The Potala Palace in Lhasa was constructed as a symbol of this new synthesis of power.The Dalai Lama made a state visit to the Qing Dynasty’s second Emperor, Shunzhi, in 1653. The two leaders greeted one another as equals; the Dalai Lama did not Kowtow . Each man bestowed honors and titles upon the other, and the Dalai Lama was recognized as the spiritual authority of the Qing Empire.According to Tibet, the “priest/patron” relationship established at this time between the Dalai Lama and Qing China continued throughout the Qing Era, but it had no bearing on Tibet’s status as an independent nation. China, naturally, disagrees.Lobsang Gyatso died in 1682, but his Prime Minister concealed the Dalai Lama’s passing until 1696 so that the Potala Palace could be finished and the power of the Dalai Lama’s office consolidated.

    The Maverick Dalai Lama

    In 1697, fifteen years after the death of Lobsang Gyatso, the Sixth Dalai Lama was finally enthroned.Tsangyang Gyatso (1683-1706) was a maverick who rejected the monastic life, growing his hair long, drinking wine, and enjoying female company. He also wrote great poetry, some of which is still recited today in Tibet.The Dalai Lama’s unconventional lifestyle prompted Lobsang Khan of the Khoshud Mongols to depose him in 1705.Lobsang Khan seized control of Tibet, named himself King, sent Tsangyang Gyatso to Beijing (he “mysteriously” died on the way), and installed a pretender Dalai Lama.

    The Dzungar Mongol Invasion

    King Lobsang would rule for 12 years, until the Dzungar Mongols invaded and took power. They killed the pretender to the Dalai Lama’s throne, to the joy of the Tibetan people, but then began to loot monasteries around Lhasa.This vandalism brought a quick response from the Qing Emperor Kangxi, who sent troops to Tibet. The Dzungars destroyed the Imperial Chinese battalion near Lhasa in 1718.In 1720, the angry Kangxi sent another, larger force to Tibet, which crushed the Dzungars. The Qing army also brought the proper Seventh Dalai Lama, Kelzang Gyatso (1708-1757) to Lhasa.

    The Border Between China and Tibet

    China took advantage of this period of instability in Tibet to seize the regions of Amdo and Kham, making them into the Chinese province of Qinghai in 1724.Three years later, the Chinese and Tibetans signed a treaty that laid out the boundary line between the two nations. It would remain in force until 1910.Qing China had its hands full trying to control Tibet. The Emperor sent a commissioner to Lhasa, but he was killed in 1750.The Imperial Army then defeated the rebels, but the Emperor recognized that he would have to rule through the Dalai Lama rather than directly. Day-to-day decisions would be made on the local level.

    Era of Turmoil Begins

    In 1788, the Regent of Nepal sent Gurkha forces to invade Tibet.The Qing Emperor responded in strength, and the Nepalese retreated.The Gurkhas returned three years later, plundering and destroying some famous Tibetan monasteries. The Chinese sent a force of 17,000 which, along with Tibetan troops, drove the Gurkhas out of Tibet and south to within 20 miles of Kathmandu.Despite this sort of assistance from the Chinese Empire, the people of Tibet chafed under increasingly meddlesome Qing rule.Between 1804, when the Eighth Dalai Lama died, and 1895, when the Thirteenth Dalai Lama assumed the throne, none of the incumbent incarnations of the Dalai Lama lived to see their nineteenth birthdays.If the Chinese found a certain incarnation too hard to control, they would poison him. If the Tibetans thought an incarnation was controlled by the Chinese, then they would poison him themselves.

    Tibet and the Great Game

    Throughout this period, Russia and Britain were engaged in the “Great Game,” a struggle for influence and control in Central Asia.Russia pushed south of its borders, seeking access to warm-water sea ports and a buffer zone between Russia proper and the advancing British. The British pushed northward from India, trying to expand their empire and protect the Raj, the “Crown Jewel of the British Empire,” from the expansionist Russians.Tibet was an important playing piece in this game.Qing Chinese power waned throughout the eighteenth century, as evidenced by its defeat in the Opium Wars with Britain (1839-1842 and 1856-1860), as well as the Taiping Rebellion (1850-1864) and the Boxe Rebellion (1899-1901).The actual relationship between China and Tibet had been unclear since the early days of the Qing Dynasty, and China’s losses at home made the status of Tibet even more uncertain.The ambiguity of control over Tibet lead to problems. In 1893, the British in India concluded a trade and border treaty with Beijing concerning the boundary between Sikkim and Tibet.However, the Tibetans flatly rejected the treaty terms.The British invaded Tibet in 1903 with 10,000 men, and took Lhasa the following year. Thereupon, they concluded another treaty with the Tibetans, as well as Chinese, Nepalese and Bhutanese representatives, which gave the British themselves some control over Tibet’s affairs.

    Thubten Gyatso’s Balancing Act

    The 13th Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyatso, fled the country in 1904 at the urging of his Russian disciple, Agvan Dorzhiev. He went first to Mongolia, then made his way to Beijing.The Chinese declared that the Dalai Lama had been deposed as soon as he left Tibet, and claimed full sovereignty over not only Tibet but also Nepal and Bhutan. The Dalai Lama went to Beijing to discuss the situation with the Emperor Guangxu, but he flatly refused to kowtow to the Emperor.Thubten Gyatso stayed in the Chinese capital from 1906 to 1908.He returned to Lhasa in 1909, disappointed by Chinese policies towards Tibet. China sent a force of 6,000 troops into Tibet, and the Dalai Lama fled to Darjeeling, India later that same year.The Chinese Revolution swept away the Qing Dynasty in 1911, and the Tibetans promptly expelled all Chinese troops from Lhasa. The Dalai Lama returned home to Tibet in 1912.

    Tibetan Independence

    China’s new revolutionary government issued a formal apology to the Dalai Lama for the Qing Dynasty’s insults, and offered to reinstate him. Thubten Gyatso refused, stating that he had no interest in the Chinese offer.He then issued a proclamation that was distributed across Tibet, rejecting Chinese control and stating that “We are a small, religious, and independent nation.”The Dalai Lama took control of Tibet’s internal and external governance in 1913, negotiating directly with foreign powers, and reforming Tibet’s judicial, penal, and educational systems.The Simla

    Convention (1914)

    Representatives of Great Britain, China, and Tibet met in 1914 to negotiate a treaty marking out the boundary lines between India and its northern neighbors.The Simla Convention granted China secular control over “Inner Tibet,” (also known as Qinghai Province) while recognizing the autonomy of “Outer Tibet” under the Dalai Lama’s rule. Both China and Britain promised to “respect the territorial integrity of [Tibet], and abstain from interference in the administration of Outer Tibet.”China walked out of the conference without signing the treaty after Britain laid claim to the Tawang area of southern Tibet, which is now part of the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh. Tibet and Britain both signed the treaty.As a result, China has never agreed to India’s rights in northern Arunachal Pradesh (Tawang), and the two nations went to war over the area in 1962. The boundary dispute still has not been resolved.China also claims sovereignty over all of Tibet, while the Tibetan government-in-exile points to the Chinese failure to sign the Simla Convention as proof that both Inner and Outer Tibet legally remain under the Dalai Lama’s jurisdiction.

    The Issue RestsSoon, China would be too distracted to concern itself with the issue of Tibet.Japan had invaded Manchuria in 1910, and would advance south and east across large swaths of Chinese territory through 1945.The new government of the Republic of China would hold nominal power over the majority of Chinese territory for only four years before war broke out between numerous armed factions.Indeed, the span of Chinese history from 1916 to 1938 came to be called the “Warlord Era,” as the different military factions sought to fill the power vacuum left by the collapse of the Qing Dynasty.China would see near-continuous civil war up to the Communist victory in 1949, and this era of conflict was exacerbated by the Japanese Occupation and World War II. Under such circumstances, the Chinese showed little interest in Tibet.The 13th Dalai Lama ruled independent Tibet in peace until his death in 1933.

    The 14th Dalai Lama

    Following Thubten Gyatso’s death, the new reincarnation of the Dalai Lama was born in Amdo in 1935.Tenzin Gyatso, the current Dalai Lama, was taken to Lhasa in 1937 to begin training for his duties as the leader of Tibet. He would remain there until 1959, when the Chinese forced him into exile in India.

    People’s Republic of China Invades Tibet

    In 1950, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of the newly-formed People’s Republic of China invaded Tibet. With stability reestablished in Beijing for the first time in decades, Mao Zedong sought to assert China’s right to rule over Tibet as well.The PLA inflicted a swift and total defeat on Tibet’s small army, and China drafted the “Seventeen Point Agreement” incorporating Tibet as an autonomous region of the People’s Republic of China.Representatives of the Dalai Lama’s government signed the agreement under protest, and the Tibetans repudiated the agreement nine years later.

    Collectivization and Revolt

    The Mao government of the PRC immediately initiated land redistribution in Tibet.Landholdings of the monasteries and nobility were seized for redistribution to the peasants. The communist forces hoped to destroy the power base of the wealthy and of Buddhism within Tibetan society.In reaction, a uprising led by the monks broke out in June of 1956, and continued through 1959. The poorly-armed Tibetans used guerrilla war tactics in an attempt to drive out the Chinese.The PLA responded by razing entire villages and monasteries to the ground. The Chinese even threatened to blow up the Potala Palace and kill the Dalai Lama, but this threat was not carried out.Three years of bitter fighting left 86,000 Tibetans dead, according to the Dalai Lama’s government in exile.

    Flight of the Dalai Lama

    On March 1, 1959, the Dalai Lama received an odd invitation to attend a theater performance at PLA headquarters near Lhasa.The Dalai Lama demurred, and the performance date was postponed until March 10. On March 9, PLA officers notified the Dalai Lama’s bodyguards that they would not accompany the Tibetan leader to the performance, nor were they to notify the Tibetan people that he was leaving the palace. (Ordinarily, the people of Lhasa would line the streets to greet the Dalai Lama each time he ventured out.)The guards immediately publicized this rather ham-handed attempted abduction, and the following day an estimated crowd of 300,000 Tibetans surrounded Potala Palace to protect their leader.The PLA moved artillery into range of major monasteries and the Dalai Lama’s summer palace, Norbulingka.Both sides began to dig in, although the Tibetan army was much smaller than its adversary, and poorly armed.Tibetan troops were able to secure a route for the Dalai Lama to escape into India on March 17. Actual fighting began on March 19, and lasted only two days before the Tibetan troops were defeated.

    Aftermath of the 1955 Tibetan Uprising

    Much of Lhasa lay in ruins on March 20, 1959.An estimated 800 artillery shells had pummeled Norbulingka, and Lhasa’s three largest monasteries were essentially leveled. The Chinese rounded up thousands of monks, executing many of them. Monasteries and temples all over Lhasa were ransacked.The remaining members of the Dalai Lama’s bodyguard were publicly executed by firing squad.By the time of the 1964 census, 300,000 Tibetans had gone “missing” in the previous five years, either secretly imprisoned, killed, or in exile.In the days after the 1959 Uprising, the Chinese government revoked most aspects of Tibet’s autonomy, and initiated resettlement and land distribution across the country. The Dalai Lama has remained in exile ever since.China’s central government, in a bid to dilute the Tibetan population and provide jobs for Han Chinese, initiated a “Western China Development Program” in 1978.As many as 300,000 Han now live in Tibet, 2/3 of them in the capital city. The Tibetan population of Lhasa, in contrast, is only 100,000.Ethnic Chinese hold the vast majority of government posts.

    Return of the Panchen Lama

    Beijing allowed the Panchen Lama, Tibetan Buddhism’s second-in-command, to return to Tibet in 1989.He immediately gave a speech before a crowd of 30,000 of the faithful, decrying the harm being done to Tibet under the PRC. He died five days later at the age of 50, allegedly of a massive heart attack.

    Deaths at Drapchi Prison, 1998

    On May 1, 1998, the Chinese officials at Drapchi Prison in Tibet ordered hundreds of prisoners, both criminals and political detainees, to participate in a Chinese flag-raising ceremony.Some of the prisoners began to shout anti-Chinese and pro-Dalai Lama slogans, and prison guards fired shots into the air before returning all the prisoners to their cells.The prisoners were then severely beaten with belt buckles, rifle butts, and plastic batons, and some were put into solitary confinement for months at a time, according to one young nun who was released from the prison a year later.Three days later, the prison administration decided to hold the flag-raising ceremony again.Once more, some of the prisoners began to shout slogans.Prison official reacted with even more brutality, and five nuns, three monks, and one male criminal were killed by the guards. One man was shot; the rest were beaten to death.

    2008 Uprising

    On March 10, 2008, Tibetans marked the 49th anniversary of the 1959 uprising by peacefully protesting for the release of imprisoned monks and nuns. Chinese police then broke up the protest with tear gas and gunfire.The protest resumed for several more days, finally turning into a riot. Tibetan anger was fueled by reports that imprisoned monks and nuns were being mistreated or killed in prison as a reaction to the street demonstrations.Furious Tibetans ransacked and burned the shops of ethnic Chinese immigrants in Lhasa and other cities. The official Chinese media states that 18 people were killed by the rioters.China immediately cut off access to Tibet for foreign media and tourists.The unrest spread to neighboring Qinghai (Inner Tibet), Gansu, and Sichuan Provinces. The Chinese government cracked down hard, mobilizing as many as 5,000 troops. Reports indicate that the military killed between 80 and 140 people, and arrested more than 2,300 Tibetans.The unrest came at a sensitive time for China, which was gearing up for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing.The situation in Tibet caused increased international scrutiny of Beijing’s entire human rights record, leading some foreign leaders to boycott the Olympic Opening Ceremonies. Olympic torch-bearers around the world were met by thousands of human rights protestors.


    Tibet and China have had a long relationship, fraught with difficulty and change.At times, the two nations have worked closely together. At other times, they have been at war.Today, the nation of Tibet does not exist; not one foreign government officially recognizes the Tibetan government-in-exile.The past teaches us, however, that the geopolitical situation is nothing if not fluid. It is impossible to predict where Tibet and China will stand, relative to one another, one hundred years from now.


    • supolang 說道:


  25. supolang 說道:








    • 四明山人 說道:

      人權、自由、民主、平等、博愛是普世價值觀 ,用普世價值觀建立的政府不是民主政府?政教分離那是遲早的事.如果真建立民主政府,藏民的選票將決定自己的命運,那是中共獨裁的末日.

      • supolang 說道:



  26. abc 說道:

    dear Skywalker:
    你自我介紹, 你是中國學者, 為了證明你是, 你絕頂聰明, 提出了極具權威的, 你認為不容質疑的証椐:

    “平時汲汲營營忙着發論文, 評職稱的,普及常識以及發帖與何老師學習這樣的事,因為沒好處基本不做,這次也是因為看書看得頭痛,發發帖換下腦筋”.

    於是, 如此這般,這般如此, 你取得了 “學者” 學位. 成為學者——-不是普普通通的學者, 而是令人粛然起敬的 “具有中國特色的學者” !

    什麼是 “具有中國特色的學者” 呢 ? 如果把中國的 “宮庭學者”比做皇冠, “具有中國特色的學者”就是皇冠上的明珠.

    讓我們來看看毛澤東為 “具有中國特色的學者” 下的定義 :

    垟上蘆葦, 頭重腳輕根底淺,
    山間竹筍, 嘴尖皮厚腹中空.

    尊敬的 Skywalker, 你說 : “這次也是因為看書看得頭痛,來這裡發發帖, 換下腦筋” ——你來這裡真的只是發發帖, 換下腦筋嗎 ? 言不由衷吧? 你不是強調說 : “沒好處基本不做” 嗎 ? . 那末, 你想要得到什麼好處呢? 銭嗎? 顯然不是, 這里不是銀行. 這使我想起了愛好畄名的旅遊人士, 喜歡找名山勝景——–為的是在那裡撒泡尿, 繼而拉大便, 然後在旁邊豎碑題字 :

    學者——豬八戒, 於2012年11月到此一游, 請考古學家務必載入史冊,以傳不朽 !

    題畢, 得意之情充滿全身 !

    永遠尊敬你的 abc

  27. 四明山人 說道:


  28. 李志民 說道:


    • john lu 說道:


    • supolang 說道:















  29. supolang 說道:


    • 何清漣 說道:


      • supolang 說道:


        • 何清漣 說道:


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